
 The game

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The game is composed of a hexagonal board of 169 hexagonal cells and 144 hexagonals tiles, 99 are numerics, 20 are D, 15 are T and 10 are X.

 Numeric tiles

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The game has the following numeric tiles:

TileQuantity TileQty TileQty TileQty TileQty
14 111 211 321 561
25 121 221 351 601
35 131 231 361 631
46 141 241 401 641
56 151 251 421 701
66 161 261 451 721
76 171 271 481 801
86 181 281 491 811
96 191 291 501 901
106 201 301 541 991

 How to play

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Initially the tiles corresponding to each player (by default 8) are distributed, and 7 numeric tiles are placed in center and the special ones over the board.

The player who begins has a * next to his name. If you are this one, you already can place tiles in the board. If not, you must leave the game begins clicking Start.

Once you have put all the tiles that you can in the board, you must click Turn to take tiles of the box, and let the following player. If you have placed all your tiles (and the box is not empty), 5 points extra by tile are added to you. If you play with 8 tiles by player, it will add 40 points extra to you. While the other players play, your tiles are disabled, and you cannot press them.

Also you can give back tiles to the box to change them by others. In order to use this option, you cannot place any tile in that turn. Select Exchange tiles, press the tiles that you want to give back, and then press Turn. Tiles can only be given back if there are tiles in the box.


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To punctuate you must put one numeric tile on the board. The tile must solve one arithmetic operation with the two adjacent tiles. The three tiles must be touched each other in one vertex.

The operations allowed are: sum, subtraction, multiplication, division or power.

The points obtained when putting each tile are the value of that tile. If the cell has a D the obtained score is double. If it has a T, triple. In the cells with a X no tile can be placed. If the placed tile simultaneously solves several operations with diverse tiles, the result is the sum of all of them.

If you have placed all your tiles (and the box is not empty), 5 points extra by tile are added to you. If you play with 8 tiles by player, it will add 40 points extra to you.

 End game

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The game finishes when there are no left tiles in the box, and a player puts all his tiles. It is configurable to allow one more round in this case (not to add points but to remove his tiles). Also it that can occur that the game is blocked. In that case, it also finishes.

Once finished, each player subtracts his own tiles.

The one who has more points wins.

 Samples about how to place the tiles

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We are going to place tile 5 touching with the 3 and the 2. (3+2) (look the emphasized red vertex in the figure ).

First we click the tile 5 so that it remains sunk (selected).

We indicated with the mouse where to put the tile selected. If the operation is valid, the tile is placed. The value of the tile (5 in this case) raises to our marker. Also we could put the 6 (3x2) the 1 (3-2), the 9 (raise 3 to the power 2) or the 8 (2 to the 3) in that cell of the board.

Then we put tile 10 (5x2).

That cell has one D. It means that the score is Double. We obtained therefore 20 points more. We also could have placed the 8 (2x4).

 Menus and Customization

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The program can be personalized in several forms.

In the upper menu you have the following options:
  • File
  • Options
  • Help


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  • New Game: Starts a game (F2).
  • Configure a new game: It initiates a new game, selecting number of players (from 2 to 4) and the number of tiles by player (from 3 to 9). If Complete last turn is selected, one more round is done when somebody remains finally without tiles. In order to keep this configuration for further occasions, select Save configuration.

  • Save as: If you want to continue the game later, you can store it in a file.
  • Load: Restores game previously saved.
  • Cambiar a Español: Change language into Spanish.
  • Replay the game: Replays all the movements (F3).
  • Exit: It leaves the game (Esc).


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  • Colours: It allows to personalize the colours of the program: tiles, board, lines of the board, etc.

  • Tiles Font: The font of tiles numbers can be modified. This only changes the font, neither size, nor the colour is changed.

  • Configuration:

    • Players: It is possible to change the name of each player, the level (from 1 to 8) and the colour. The player can choose also that his tiles take its own player's colour
    • Dark last set tiles: LLast placed tiles (those of the last turn) will be drawn with a darker colour.
    • Time between other players tiles: Time interval (in milliseconds) that the computer waits for between two tiles.
    • Time between other players turns: Time interval (in milliseconds) that the computer waits for between two players. (This options cause that the computer waits. If it is down to 0, the tiles shows up almost instantaneously, depending on the speed of the computer).
    • Sort tiles: The tiles are sorted from minor to major.
    • Default player colours: It recovers the user's colours to it's default values.
    • Check updates on Internet: Enables the option to check on Internet if there is a newer version.


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  • How to play: displays the game instructions.
  • About minusMax: shows program version and author.

 Board interactions

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In order to see board underneath the tile (for example to see if it is double or triple), press the mouse right button on the tile.

It is possible to colour on the board the tiles placed for each player clicking on the player name. If clicked again, it will show the last turn tiles coloured. A third click will take the tiles to it's original colour.

Clicking the middle mouse button over any tile on the board, it will colour the tile regarding to the player who placed it.

To sort out the tiles on your own way, you can press a tile with the left mouse button and place it somewhere else clicking the right mouse button.

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